When any tissue of the body example skin, muscle, bone etc, is town or cut by injury, a wound is caused. There will be bleeding from the injured part and it also forms and opening through which germs can get into the body. The depth of a wound is often more important than its area, small deep wounds caused by knives, bullets, etc are often the more dangerous.
Types of Wounds
- Incised wounds are caused by sharp instruments like razor, knife, etc. The blood vessels are clean out and so these wounds bleed very much.
- Confused wounds are caused by blunt instruments or by crushing. The tissues are bruised.
- Lacerated wounds are caused by machinery, falls on rough surfaces, pieces of shells, claw of animals etc. These wounds have torn and irregular edges and they bleed less.
- Punctured wounds are caused by stabs by any sharp instruments like a dagger or a knife. They have small openings, but may be very deep.
Dangers of Wounds
Bleeding is a common cause of death in accidents. It is caused by the rupture of blood vessels due to severity of the injury.
External and Internal bleeding - If the bleeding is from the surface of the body it is called external bleeding.
- Bleeding is the immediate danger and it should be treated thoroughly. A wound is not initially infected even though it may be contaminated by the dirt as well as infected material which contain germs. These germs are microscopic and not visible to naked eye. Infection only occurs after a lapse of time when the germs have time to multiply and invade the tissues. This time was formerly arbitrarily fixed at six hours but varies with the number of bacteria and their virulence and body resistance. Pus formation is part of bodies method to fight the infection. Our aim as a first aider is to prevent infection occurring. We do this by promptly attending to wounds. Clean the external wound with plenty of good clean drinking water. Wipe gently the surrounding skin and remove dirt, sticking to wound. Use plenty of running water. Do not use any antiseptic in water. Dry the surrounding of the would gently with dry sterile gauze of freshly laundered soft handkerchief, dhoti. Pick away foreign material from the wound. Cover the wound with dry sterile gauze if available handkerchief, dhoti or another cloth. Do not let cotton bandage. Do not apply any antiseptic in large wounds. This may get absorbed and cause reactions. Please note that the would itself has not been washed or touched in an attempt to clean.
- Infection is caused by germs getting into the body through the broken skin. The germs multiply in wound and make it infected or septic. They may then get into the blood stream and cause blood poisoning.
Aims of First Aid
- The aim of first aid is to stop bleeding and minimize the number of germs that get into the wound. We should remember that germs come from.
- the object that caused the would (stone, knife, etc.,).
- the skin of the person.
- the clothes of the person.
- the hands of the first aider.
- the air
- dirty dressing and
- contaminated water.
- Management
- step bleeding.
- apply direct pressure to the would with a sterile dressing or a clean handkerchief. If necessary press on the arterial pressure point.
- Handle the injured part as gently as possible.
- If the wound is in a limb, and there are no broken bones, raise the limb. This will lessen the bleeding.
- Wash your hands thoroughly.
- Remove any foreign objects like glass, stones, etc., if you can Do not disturb any blood clot already formed.
- Place a clean dressing over the wound and bandage firmly.
- Get a doctor. If you cannot find a doctor or nurse, you will have to reach him as early as possible.
Bleeding is a common cause of death in accidents. It is caused by the rupture of blood vessels due to severity of the injury.
External and Internal bleeding - If the bleeding is from the surface of the body it is called external bleeding.
- Ask the patient not to blow his nose.
- Do not pack ear or nose, but place dressing on ear or nose and strap it in position.
- Lay the patient on the affected side.
- Remove him to a hospital immediately.
From the scalp
These wounds bleed freely and may be alarming.
- Do not probe the wound.
- Apply a large pad and a bandage which will help stop bleeding.
From the nose
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